Psychology Unit
The FLM Department of Psychology works with the purpose of making the process of facing a SCI as adaptive as possible for the person, so that this person can have a dignified life according to the reality of his/her life.
The FLM Psychology professionals work to give the person a range of abilities so that the construction or adaptation of the personal life project is developed taking into account the circumstances of the acquired spinal cord injury. The relevant fact which we would like to emphasise is that the person will be the one who decides how he/she wants to continue his/her life with the circumstances surrounding him/her after the injury and the impact it will generate, which is why decision-making at a personal and autonomous level is encouraged.
Queries and concerns related to how the present dependence level fits the person are addressed, as well as how the activities that were part of his/her life before the injury are resumed or changed. Likewise, it will be important to restructure family dynamics, life as a couple, work environment, as well as other vital areas such as leisure, etc.
To do so, both SCI psychoeducational programs and techniques to learn the most appropriate skills for each case are applied, both individually and in groups; besides, resources and themes are adapted to the needs of the user.
The adaptation process to the spinal cord injury reaches out the closest environment, especially family members and primary caregivers, so that counselling and support from the psycho-rehabilitation field helps the person’s social system to resume its activities. This way, it minimises the changes caused by the existence of the SCI in the everyday life.
Directed towards
The specialized service of psycho-rehabilitation in SCI can be requested by people with SCI, family members and close environment, including primary caregivers that may need information, advice and/or treatment from specialists in SCI Psychology, even when they don’t have a direct link with Fundación del Lesionado Medular.
This consultation is available for people with spinal cord injury by making an appointment in advance, regardless their affiliation to FLM or ASPAYM Madrid.
The FLM department of Psychology counts on two professionals specialized in spinal cord injury as well as in other fields, which leads to the benefit of the injured person and his/her relatives.

María José Arroyo
Psychologist specialised in Clinical Psychology
Doctor in Clinical Psychology by the UCM
EuroPsy Certified by EFPA

Alexandra Álvarez
Medical Psychologist
Master in Cognitive Neuropsychology
Over 20 years of experience at your service
The FLM specialized service in Psych rehabilitation in SCI has been working for over 20 years, which makes this service a pioneer and dean both in its career and in its specialization in the psychological rehabilitation of people with SCI after finishing their hospital phase, when they return to their community environment.