If you have more than 50 employees and you cannot hire people with disabilities, sponsorship is a very good option to collaborate and comply with the measures alternative to social corporate responsibility.
The General Law on the Rights of People with Disabilities (2014) includes the obligation of public and private companies whose staff is formed by 50 or more workers to reserve 2% of its staff for people with disabilities.
In those cases when the direct hiring of people with disabilities is not feasible due to organisational reasons of the company or because the employment office cannot answer the job offers made by the companies, it possible to use indirect hiring of people with disabilities through alternative channels as an exceptional and transitory measure, or to make donations and sponsorship actions.
For those companies needing to cover the hiring quota for people with disabilities through the alternative measures established in RD 27/2000, we can offer a collaboration model by making a donation to the training projects for employability developed by the FLM Occupational Workshops.